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The KACPTA held its Third Board Meeting on 9th of ...관리자20.08.10648
The KACPTA held its second board meeting on May 28...관리자20.07.16752
The opening ceremony of the vocational training fo...관리자20.07.16634
Budget meeting for KACPTA regional associations관리자20.07.16616
Interview with Gyeong-Gi Association of Mayors관리자20.06.16700
Conversation with NTS-Earned Income Tax Bureau관리자20.06.15684
Minister of Economy and Finance Award on the 54's ...관리자20.06.12669
KACPTA'S 58th Anniversary & the 8th tax academic a...관리자20.04.20846
The official visit of the Korean Customs Brokers A...관리자20.04.16768
The 23rd Regular Meeting with Japan Federation of ...관리자20.03.26821
Support Fund (Scholarship & Living expense) Delive...관리자20.03.26761
The Official Visit of the Korean Patent Attorneys ...관리자20.03.26743
The KACPTA president Won Kyeong Hei appeared on BB...관리자20.03.26624
The AOTCA 2019 BUSAN - 17th General Meeting & Inte...관리자20.03.26697
Conversation right with The Korean Taxpayers Union...관리자20.03.26571